Thomas, The Veil and Red Dawn drummer is now endorsed by Czarcie Kopyto drum pedals !!


We always say that Finisterian Dead End Metal Label is working with great and talented Musicians!!

Congratulations to Thomas (The Veil / Red Dawn) who is now endorsed by one of the greatest drum pedals factory: Czarcie Kopyto !!

This structure is well-Known thanx to its partnerships with Inferno (BEHEMOTH) , Krimh (SEPTICFLESH​) or Paul Mazurkiewicz ( CANNIBAL CORPSE) !!

“Enfant de la Nuit” : IXION reveals ‘ New Album Title and Artwork Cover

Here are Ixion’s upcoming album Title and Cover Artwork !!



Enfant de la Nuit will be released in November via Finisterian Dead End.

“For their new album, Ixion have chosen to explore their coldest and darkest side, as well as a more gothic and melodic orientation, while remaining attached to their musical world. The result marks an important step for the band : the variety of the tracks, the progress achieved in production, or the vocal work, shed a new light on their musical identity. Enfant de la Nuit is an atmospheric doom and gothic metal album of a great richness.”

The first extracts should be online at mid October, so Stay Tuned!!

A special thank to Pierre Roussel who has created the artwork !

Melodic Death to Headbang your World:Please Welcome Sound of Memories!!

What a pleasure to introduce our 15th Leaguer, Parisians of SOUND OF MEMORIES !!

Razor-sharp riffs, Blast Beats, Roaring Bass and Furious Singing : Their Melodic Death is tailored to set fire to the Pit !! Finisterian Dead End Metal Label can rely on its new Steamroller!!

“To Deliverance” , their first album will be released on 2nd November thanx to Season of Mist for France and Code 7 for Great Britain


Atmospheric Doom at its Best : IXION is our Newcomer!!

ixion-bandWe are proud, honoured and delighted to introduce our newcomer : IXION !!

After a first and noticed album “To The Void” released by Avantgarde Music in 2011, this real Atmospheric Doom french hope ,chose Finisterian Dead End for their Comeback !!

To the program: Lead rhythms, majestic atmospheres and various catchy singing !!

The Breton doomsters invite you for an amazing journey in the world of Atmospheric Metal !!

Their new album will be released in November, and distributed in France by Season of Mist / Finisterian Dead End and in Great Britain by Code 7.

Be ready for the first extracts and cover artwork before the end of the month !!”



Our 13rd Leaguer : OVERCHARGER !!

They will kick your ass for sure!!
We are proud and honoured to introduce our 13rd Leaguer The Southern Metal French Hope: OVERCHARGER from Bordeaux !!

Powerful and violent riffs , heavy bulldozer beats and crazy charismatic attitudes are their trademarks, their “Fat as Hell” first Album “All that we Had”, will be released on September 30 !!

Be ready for a real journey in the dark and gloomy bayou \m/



hellfest 2015 420
Hail à Tous!!
Back From Hell …Back to Reality… Cette année encore le Hellfest Open Air Festival a été pour le Finisterian Dead End / Metal Label un très très Grand Moment de Rock and Roll: 2 groupes de notre roster sur la programmation, de purs moments de folies émotionnelles, des rencontres, des échanges, de l’adrénaline en quantité industrielle, des concerts énormes et un soutien extraordinaire de vous tous!! Vous l’avez compris, l’heure est aux remerciements:
–>Horns Up à TOUTE l’équipe du Hellfest (Ben, Twiggy, Yohann, Alex,Kiki, Rui, Lol, le Carré Artistes/ Le Métalcorner/ Les Techniciens pour votre soutien durant ce week end , votre bienveillance, votre accueil etc…).
–>MEGA HORNS UP aux Malkavian ( Riko Zöroy, Nicolatoudebel Mastafive, Florian Pc, Alex Jadi et Méz Yann) et aux Breakdust (Alexandre, David, Rod et Olivier) pour ces moments magiques passés avec vous, votre professionnalisme, je suis extrêmement fier de vous, You make this crazy dream come true !! Chapeau bas Leaguers!!
–>Jésus (Daniel) et Arthurus , crazy motherfuckers!! merci pour votre énergie, votre exigence, votre réactivité et votre soutien.
–>Pêle mêle: Merci à Roger et Replica Promotion pour son organisation aux petis oignons et son soutien, Merci à David et Season of Mist, Lageat Phil et RockHard , Véronique et HARD ROCK MAG, Amaury et Radio Metal, Jehanet Apathia Records, CarineSigma et Sigma Promotions, Mathieu et La Grosse Radio Métal, Christophe Z. Darras et HARD FORCE WEB & TV EDITION, RTL2 Pop Rock Station by Zégut (It was a great pleasure to share this moment, Respect!!) , François ,Arno, Frédéric et Daily Rock France, Camille et MusikÖ_Eye, Vinz et Metalorgie ,Karen, Claire et KATHARSIS (JET FM 91.2), R2R , Dz Fish, Eric , Conor et Riff D’Enfer, le Bidule,Sound Prostest, France 3 Pays de la Loire , BFM, Ouest-France etc…
–>Clin d’oeil affectueux à tous les Leaguers présents sur le site et avec qui les bières ont coulé à flots, Merci pour votre soutien et votre présence aux côtés des copains du roster: YOU ARE THE DEAD END FAMILY!! : Dysilencia Julien, Max, Julien, Sy, Tool) ,Pictured (Niko, Sylvain et Seb for Support) , Ellipse (Claire, Lesrian, Arthur) , Mantra (Thomas), The Ersatz (Vingt).
–>Big Up à Thomas( War Inside pour sa prestation bien furieuse aux côtés des Malkavian) , Mathieu Pascal et Gorod – The Official Page ,Julien de Benighted, Michael Crass da Silva de CRUSHER, Raphael de Mass Hysteria, George CorpseGrinder de Cannibal Corpse, Gaël Féret , Moréac Jean-Jacques , Philippe Courtois et Misanthrope, NO RETURN .
–>Un gros “Talk Shit, Get Shot” à Flørent, Lucy Fer et Guillaume et un gros bisous à Claire, Marie, Anaïs (et Déborah).
–>Bravo à Ice-T et Body Count , Merauder, Rise of the Northstar, Mina Caputo et Life of Agony , Triptykon (Official), Satyricon, AHAB, Wovenhand (official), Mike Patton et Faith No More, Alice Cooper, Envy, Birds in a Row etc… : What a crazy Soundtrack !!
Pour Finir, MERCI A VOUS TOUS, pour votre soutien, vos encouragements avant et pendant le Hellfest, on vous doit beaucoup, alors Continuez!!
Plein de bonnes choses arrivent… Stay Tuned!!
Hellfest 2016 ?… Wait and Bleed.

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